The Hotel Jardin Bern has been regularly featured in the media throughout its long history.
We look forward to continuing to work with the press - contact us now.
Current publications
- Mention The Guardian Travel Guide (English)
- Reportage in the trade magazine Gourmet (German)
- Photographs Berner Zeitung journal - Carte Blanche (German, subscription needed)
- Anzeiger für das Nordquartier journal - New car charging station (German)
- Mention NZZ Bellevue journal - Coffee review hotels Switzerland (German)
- Interview Hotel Inside wit Hans R. Amrein (German)
- Best Instagram-Spots ifolor (German)
- Aricle Berner Zeitung journal - Seniorentanz (German, subscription needed)
- Recommendation Pasar E-Bike Guide (Dutch)
- Portrait Anzeiger für das Nordquartier - 100 years Margrith Balz (German)
- Design by beck konzept ag (English)
Press kit
Related links